Spiritist media
There are numerous channels by which one can access more information on Spiritism as outlined below:
Series of informative videos on Spiritist subjects.
Free: Available to download by Allan Kardec, Gabriel Delanne, Leon Denis and Herculano Pires. The Solidarity Spiritist Society has a bookshop where books can be purchased in English and Portuguese, plus we have a free lending library.
All of Kardec's works are available to read on Kardecpedia
Leon Denis - Here and Hereafter.
BUSS Book shop near Bethnal Green also stocks a good collection of Spiritist books in English.
Spiritist Movies:
Moving depiction of the impact that Chico Xavier’s work had on comforting many of mothers and families by communications received from the spiritual dimension.
Introduction to life in the spiritual dimension via the autobiography of Andre Luiz.
Clip from Astral City
Brief clip from Astral City showing life in the spiritual dimension.
The film is based on the Spiritist best-seller, "And Life Goes On", written in 1968 by the spirit André Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier.
British Union of Spiritist Societies